7th International Conference on Meaning and Knowledge Representation (MKR 2018)

This conference, which will take place from 4th to 6th July, deals with meaning and knowledge representation in the context of natural language understanding from the perspective of theoretical linguistics, computational linguistics, cognitive science, knowledge engineering, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, text analytics or linked data and semantic web technologies.Natural language understanding systems require a knowledge[Leer más]

Anunciamos el volumen 33, número 3 (2017) de Rilce. Revista de Filología Hispánica

Este número trae el monográfico: «Limitaciones y nuevos retos de la semántica léxica» con apartados como: Reflexiones teóricas y metodológicas, que incluye los siguientes artículos: - Rosario González Pérez. Combinaciones léxicas sinestésicas en el marco de la teoría semántica - M.ª Dolores Muñoz Núñez. La polisemia léxica y sus conexiones con algunas líneas de la interrelación entre léxico y sintaxis - Inmaculada Penadés Martínez. El concepto[Leer más]

V International Seminar on English and Spanish Lexicology and Lexicography: The Words of the Law (LexESP 2018)

Abstract Submission: Abstracts of up to 300 words (not including references) should be submitted by Monday, January 15th, 2018. All submissions are minimally double blind peer reviewed. List of Topics: -Specialized Legal Lexis/Lexicology -Specialized Legal Dictionaries -Bilingual Legal Lexicography -Corpora and Legal Lexicology -Word-Formation Processes in Legal English -Legal Terminology and Terminography -Gender and Legal Language -Legal[Leer más]

XV Interdisciplinary Diálogos Conference (Diálogos 2018)

The XV interdisciplinary Diálogos conference, organized by the Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC) of the Spanish and Portuguese Department at Indiana University-Bloomington, will be held on March 2-3, 2018. We are seeking original research in literature and linguistics in Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, or English. We welcome papers on a variety of topics including, but not limited to: Linguistics: sociolinguistics, historical linguistics[Leer más]

XV Interdisciplinary Diálogos Conference (Diálogos 2018)

The XV interdisciplinary Diálogos conference, organized by the Graduate Student Advisory Committee (GSAC) of the Spanish and Portuguese Department at Indiana University-Bloomington, will be held on March 2-3, 2018. We are seeking original research in literature and linguistics in Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, or English. We welcome papers on a variety of topics including, but not limited to: Linguistics: sociolinguistics, historical linguistics[Leer más]