Anuario de Estudios Filológicos. Call for papers

Por la presente les informamos de que el plazo para enviar trabajos para su posible inclusión en el Anuario de Estudios Filológicos está abierto hasta el día 20 de abril. Hasta esa fecha, se podrán enviar trabajos, ajustados a las normas de publicación que se encuentran en la web, a la dirección de correo electrónico , correo en el que se atenderá cualquier duda o consulta que se plantee. Un cordial saludo, Ramiro González[Leer más]

The L2 acquisition of Spanish non-nominative subjects by adult L1 English speakers

This study investigates the adult second language (L2) acquisition of nonnominative, non-agentive subjects, a particular feature of the Spanish language also shared by other Indo-European and South Asian languages. The existence of nonnominative elements in Spec, lP with subject-like properties is well-documented in the literature. One of the first attempts to account for this phenomenon in Romance languages is Belletti and Rizzi (1988) on[Leer más]

Call for papers para el número especial: “Current Politics and the Printed Media: Discursive Tensions in the Age of Populism 3.0”

Call for papers for the special issue: “Current Politics and the Printed Media: Discursive Tensions in the Age of Populism 3.0” The second monographic issue of the I-LanD Journal , an international peer-reviewed journal, will be centred on the discursive representation of current politics in the printed media and will be edited by Miguel Ángel Benítez Castro (Department of English and German Studies, University of Zaragoza), Francesca De Cesare[Leer más]