This study investigates the adult second language (L2) acquisition of nonnominative, non-agentive subjects, a particular feature of the Spanish language also shared by other Indo-European and South Asian languages. The existence of nonnominative elements in Spec, lP with subject-like properties is well-documented in the literature. One of the first attempts to account for this phenomenon in Romance languages is Belletti and Rizzi (1988) on
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array(6) {
string(6) "Notice"
string(36) "Undefined index: field_recursos_tipo"
string(9) "include()"
string(84) "/data/drupal/hispanismo/sites/all/themes/hispanismo/templates/node--recursos.tpl.php"
Acquisition of morphosyntax/Languages in contact Led by Silvia Perpiñán and Joyce Bruhn de Garavito This research group conducts theoretical and experimental research on linguistic knowledge, language acquisition, language development, and bilingualism. We examine morphosyntactic and semantic properties in contexts of early and late acquisition, language contact, bilingualism, and multilingualism. We tend to focus on the study of Romance
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