Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies

The Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies ( JMIS ) is a new interdisciplinary journal for innovative scholarship on the multiple languages, cultures, and historical processes of the Iberian Peninsula, and the zones with which it was in contact. Recognizing the vitality of debates about change in the fourth and fifth centuries, and conscious of the artificiality of the boundaries associated with 1492, we encourage submission of all innovative[Leer más]

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research (JILAR)

Previously Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies ~ JILAS The academic journal of the Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia is the primary vehicle for the publication of research by academics in Australasia and elsewhere. The journal is fully refereed, edited by an editorial committee based in Sydney and is genuinely inter-disciplinary, covering such fields as history, politics, international relations,[Leer más]

Journal of Hispanic Modernism (JHM)

The Journal of Hispanic Modernism (JHM) is an open-access, fully peer-reviewed scholarly journal devoted to the study of Latin American and Spanish Peninsular “Modernismo” and fin de siècle . It includes articles in English, Spanish or Catalan about the literature, history, art and thought around Hispanic Modernism. It also includes notes, book reviews and manuscript studies. As an open forum for ideas and scholarly research on “Modernismo”, JHM[Leer más]

Janus. Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro

JANUS. Estudios sobre el Siglo de Oro , se presenta como una revista científica digital, de acceso abierto y gratuito, patrocinada por el SIELAE (Seminario Interdisciplinar para el Estudio de la Literatura Áurea Española), de la Universidade da Coruña (España). Pretende fomentar el intercambio de conocimiento global. No se cobran tasas por envío de trabajos ni cuotas por la publicación de los artículos. Su objetivo es acoger: Resultados de[Leer más]