PILAS Annual Conference 2017. “Discontinuities and Resistance in Latin America”

Latin America is one of the world regions in which borders are malleable or fragile, yet resistant. As its nations seek to establish and assert themselves on a continental and global stage, challenging, and being challenged by, outside influences, historical, political, geographic and economic fault lines often appear to check progress and modernization. One only has to think of Brazil, which recently hosted a truly global mega-event, with its[Leer más]

PILAS Annual Conference 2017. «Discontinuities and Resistance in Latin America»

Latin America is one of the world regions in which borders are malleable or fragile, yet resistant. As its nations seek to establish and assert themselves on a continental and global stage, challenging, and being challenged by, outside influences, historical, political, geographic and economic fault lines often appear to check progress and modernization. One only has to think of Brazil, which recently hosted a truly global mega-event, with its[Leer más]

Congreso liLETRAd 2017 «Tendiendo puentes de Oriente a Occidente»

A partir de nuestros amplios campos temáticos, que engloban la LITERATURA, la LENGUA y la TRADUCCIÓN, nuestra línea argumentativa, «TENDIENDO PUENTES DE ORIENTE A OCCIDENTE», se centrará en un flamante y social tema de plena actualidad: la existencia o construcción de muros, barreras, Brexit y adicionales delimitaciones, que más que unirnos pueden traer consigo una separación no solo de los afectos sino de los principios éticos y los derechos[Leer más]

Sociocultural connections, language learning anxiety, and communities of practice: insights and perceptions of the adult online Spanish learner

This dissertation investigated the perceptions and experiences of online adult language learners in higher education. This was a qualitative study of thirteen women enrolled in online Spanish courses at two south-central Texas institutions of higher education. Three findings emerged. Given the participants’ awareness of the social nature of language and their collective appreciation that language must be practiced orally to be acquired, they[Leer más]

La competencia comunicativa intercultural en el aula de español de los negocios. Análisis de materiales para su enseñanza

La adquisición de la comptenecia comunicativa intercultural en la enseñanza de Lenguas Extranjeras (LE) y/o Lenguas para Fines Específicos (LFE) debe ser un proceso de aprendizaje consciente y explícito cuyo fin es la transmisión de conocimientos teóricos, el desarrollo de habilidades comportamentales y de actitudes positivas a través del contacto con la/s cultura/s meta. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo general contribuir al desarrollo de la[Leer más]