I-LanD Journal. Identity, Language and Diversity Journal 2 (2017)

Call for papers for the special issue: «Current Politics and the Printed Media: Discursive Tensions in the Age of Populism 3.0» The second monographic issue of the I-LanD Journal , an international peer-reviewed journal, will be centred on the discursive representation of current politics in the printed media and will be edited by Miguel Ángel Benítez Castro (Department of English and German Studies, University of Zaragoza), Francesca De Cesare[Leer más]

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Transatlantic Research Group

This research group is devoted to the study of relationships within the Spanish and Portuguese world as well as the development of the Spanish language and culture in North America, and the subsequent realignment of the Spanish Cultural World[Leer más]

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Acquisition of morphosyntax/Languages in contact

Acquisition of morphosyntax/Languages in contact Led by Silvia Perpiñán and Joyce Bruhn de Garavito This research group conducts theoretical and experimental research on linguistic knowledge, language acquisition, language development, and bilingualism. We examine morphosyntactic and semantic properties in contexts of early and late acquisition, language contact, bilingualism, and multilingualism. We tend to focus on the study of Romance[Leer más]

Latin America: Tradition and Globalization

En el nuevo milenio Latinoamérica ha surgido como uno de los mayores protagonistas en el campo internacional de la cultura, política y economía. Por ello, el congreso propone revisar las manifestaciones de la diversidad cultural latinoamericana sea arte, música, lenguas indígenas, lingüística, literatura, economía, política, historia y otros temas de actualidad relacionados. Envío de propuestas de participación (máximo 250 palabras): Contacto:[Leer más]